Friday, November 10, 2006


Links and Referrals...

My Wife's blog:

My Home Church:
City Church

My Pastor's Blog:

My Last Church
Clash Church

Blogs by pastors I have known:
Oil Change
Townhall-Doug Giles

Ministries on my Ipod:(in no particular order)
Let My People Think -- Ravi Zacharias

Desiring God -- John Piper
Renewing Your Mind -- R.C. Sproul
Mars Hill -- Mark Driscoll
The Village Church -- Matt Chandler
Heart Cry Ministries -- Paul Washer

Around the Web:


1 comment:

Modern Day Magi said...

1) If the evolutyionists truly believed in evolution why do they continously throw the beached whales back into the ocean?

Can't they tell the whales just want a chance to grow lungs, legs, hooves, and become a great new animal for us to have on our great green earth?

2) It is such a shame that adultery (and the rest) is such a public sin and does such damage to the reputation of Christ. We should reflect on the hidden sins in our own lives and the shame we should feel at having Jesus die for us only to then whitness all the abhorrant sins hidden from the general public but not from Him. All sin great and small is abhorrant to God, and all sin great and small in known to Him.

3) Wow thanks for the encouragement with this link! Click here to go straight to the article in question. (no scrolling)
[On my template if you click on the time at the bottom of the posts it takes you to a page for each post]

4)The team at Pyromaniacs are usually right "on the money" or at lest not very far off. A good read any time.