Monday, December 29, 2008

From around the Web..

Here are some thing I've found from around the web recently...

The link between faith and family size...

Startling developments in Evangelicalism... belief in alternative means of salvation.

Two Christmas-themed postings by Dan Phillips. One, the Christmas Story, the other one was about the notable faith of Herod.

An exhortation to prayer from Desiring God.

Joseph Stalin is having his reputation restored in Russia. [Sarcasm on] So, what's wrong with a couple of million citizens dead under his command...? He got the job done, right? [/sarcasm off]

An interesting portrayal of the gospel.

What made Protestants... protest. A list of ten contrasts between Roman Catholicism and Protestants.

Christians are called to abandon public education as 14,000 classroom hours indoctrinate them into Christ-denying worldviews. Here is the website of the people making this appeal.

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