The first Christmas I was married, this is exactly what happened. I managed to get some tickets to Les Miserables, something my wife had dreamed of seeing live. I saw someone at the music store with a shrink-wrap machine. Long story shorter, on Christmas morning, there was a very ordinary looking Les Miserables CD with a wonderful secret hidden inside it.
On Christmas morning, I was practically vibrating with excitement. I wasn't so much interested in what I was going to get, so much as what she was going to get. Trouble was, it was a little TOO ordinary-looking. You see, Karen had gone out of her way to similarly go "all-out" for Christmas. She got a fancy present for me that was 'just right'. Then she opened hers, and was understandably disappointed to find an ordinary CD inside.
It almost ruined the entire day. She didn't want to even look at it. I had to prod her to open it, which she would have to do to reveal the 'real' gift. Once she found the tickets, she was thrilled and all was well.
You see, I, the giver, was excited about a gift that she, the recipient didn't even recognize as being something that she wanted.
Isn't that what happens with God so much of the time?
God had a plan. Since Jesus is the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8), Adam's Fall did not change the plan, it simply set it in motion. Even at one of the darkest moments of human history, our loss of innocence, and eviction from paradise, God couldn't help Himself. He had to let us in on the secret, if only a little bit. (Genesis 3:15) Something is happening. He couldn't let us in on the whole story. So he did what any parent would do.
Guess what! I can't tell you what it is, but there's a really great surprise coming up for you. I can't wait for you to see it.
The parent hasn't given anything away, but he is building anticipation, trying to let the child share the joy of this excitement.
If a regular citizen of our nation were mis-represented as much as God is by His own Church, there would be a really good case for slander and libel action. God forgive us since we, His very own people -- on purpose or by accident -- have far too often portrayed Him as legalistic. As sour, dour and hard to get along with.
This is the Same Jesus whose first miracle was making wine for a wedding feast!
He REJOICES when the lost return to Him!
Now let's look at the Christmas story through fresh eyes. Don't imagine Linus from Peanuts reading in the semi-monotone voice, the same passages you have heard in so many Christmas pageants.
Instead, think of the God who was excited to get everyone in the house up on a Christmas morning.
Hey guys! Shepherds! I can't tell you the whole Story, it would ruin it. But I'll give you a clue:
“Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”God was excited. HE knew about the incarnation. HE knew about Jesus' humiliation, trial, crucifixion, and subsequent resurrection from the dead. HE knew that death would be conquered, that the power of sin would be broken, that men could be reconciled to God, and enter into everlasting life. HE knew that. But we didn't yet.
But He couldn't help but give a clue. Peace (What peace? An end of hostility?) Yes, exactly. But with war raging all around us all down the centuries, how has earth had peace? Man still is at odds with man, and (according to Jesus' own words) He did not come to bring peace, at least in that sense.
Peace with God, of course! Glorious!
But wait... we can have no such peace with God, because He cannot look on sin. Peace with God can only come with sin's power being broken!
Don't you see? God was letting the angels proclaim the Good News!
Israel at that time, thought the answer to their problems could be found in a great national leader, like David.
They got their Saviour, but they didn't recognize Him, because they were looking for a solution to the wrong problem.
They thought their problem was Rome. Their problem, in truth, was Sin.
They cried out to be saved from the oppression of a tyrant. Jesus came and overthrew the tyranny of sin and death.
What do you see when you open the Gift?
Do you see the CD or the concert tickets inside it?
Do you see a Jesus: moral teacher / man / myth / historical figure?
Is He just Ghandi with more hair?
Or do you see the Incarnate Son of the living God, who came to bear upon Himself the Justice of God against Sin, so that we could receive the Mercy of God as adopted sons and daughters.
God bless you this Christmas, as you remember what it's really about!
that is very nice wes, and the true meaning of Christmas is the christ that came and gave up everything for us [his children ] and that is what it is all about . hope you all have a very merry and faith filled Christmas . give the kids a kiss for me ,and eat plenty pray lots and enjoy his blessings . Penny
I love what and how you have written this, making it very personal, meaningful and putting the awesome Christmas Story of God's love for us and the gift of His son, Jesus, in a way that is simple and yet we can all see it from our Father's loving perspective. This is my very favorite of all your writings so far. terrific! Merry Christmas.
Well done, Wes. Amen, and thanks!
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